Basis of Cooperation
Allah said, “Help Ye one another in righteousness and piety but help ye not one another in sin and rancor...” (Al Maidah: 2). Allah will always help His servant for as long as he helps others. (Narrated by Imam Ahmad and Imam Abu Daud).
Basis of Responsibility
The place of relationships and feelings of people with faith, between each other, is just like the body; when one of its parts is afflicted with pain, then the rest of the body will be affected.(Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim). One true Muslim (Mu’min) and another true Muslim (Mu’min) is just like a building whereby every part in it strengthens the other part. (Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim).
Basis of Mutual Protection
By my life, which is in Allah’s power, nobody will enter Paradise if he does not protect his neighbor who is in distress. (Narratted by Imam Ahmad). Based on the above basis, Islamic scholars had decided that there should be concerted effort to implement the Takaful concept as the best way to resolve these needs.
Understanding the Takaful Contract
Although the concept of insurance is permissible under Shariah Law, certain practices in conventional insurance breach Shariah Law. The current Takaful practice uses a combination of two types of main ‘Aqad (contracts).; These are the contract of Tabarru’ (Donation) and contract of Wakalah (Agency) which are free from the elements of (Riba) usury, wager or Maisir (gambling) and Gharar (Uncertainty). The Takaful system stresses the spirit of co-operation and joint responsibility among participants.